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Donation Causes

These items are on our priority list and we need them asap. If you need to go to the specific cause, click the cards below. Your donations are the only source of supporting our work. Please donate generously. May Allah accept your efforts and donations.

Coming Soon!

Monthly Financial Support to Hawza Students

Coming Soon!

Monthly Financial Support to Hawza Students

Coming Soon!

Free Educational & Skill Development Workshops

Coming Soon!

Free Educational & Skill Development Workshops

Sponsor Educational + Ziyarat Trip (SVC) to students

Sponsor the deserving students who cannot afford the life-changing Al-Asr SVC and ziyarat trips

Why not buy shares in paradise? 
Sponsor a ziyarat trip to student
Sponsor a educational trip to students
Donate the educational expenses

Raised $0.00


Target $9,250

Sponsor Educational + Ziyarat Trip (SVC) to students

Sponsor the deserving students who cannot afford the life-changing Al-Asr SVC and ziyarat trips

Accepting Donations
Sponsor Iran Ziyarat
Accepting Donations
Instructor’s Gift
Accepting Donations
Sponsor Iraq Ziyaraat
Accepting Donations
Sponsor SVC trip

Raised $0.00

Target $9,250


Free Clinic, Pharmacy & Laboratory Services in Najaf

Help us in treating and supplying the medicine to the needy patients, free of cost 3 days a week every month

Didn't make it to Karbala this Ashoor! 
Sponsor a Majlis in Karbala
Donate to Niyaz & Sabeel
Donate The Hadiya of Maulana
Sponsor Zaireen Hospitality Services

Raised $2,000


Target $2,000

Free Clinic, Pharmacy & Laboratory Services in Najaf

Help us in treating and supplying the medicine to the needy patients, free of cost 3 days a week every month

Accepting Donations
Lab Logistics Supply
Accepting Donations
Pharmacist Salary
Accepting Donations
Administartor Salary
Capacity Donated
Hospital Lift

Raised $0.00

Target $2,000


Donate on time; Monthly or Yearly

Help us by small or big amounts, but monthly and consistent and don’t stop the continuous charity. By clicking the desired amount from mentioned currencies you’ll be subscribed to a monthly donation plan. If you want to donate yearly or you want to subscribe with any other amount, please contact us by clicking here.

Woman holding lots of coins
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said
The Philanthropists are Alive even if They Die!
Three things continue to reward a person even after his death; death on the true path, an act of charity, and a good son who prays for him.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said
Charity gives you shade on the Day of Judgement!
Each person is in the shade of his charity till people are judged...
Convincing for charity is same as doing charity!
If you convince someone to give charity, you will get the same Thawab, this is because you will be the reason of him doing good. This means you may die and still someone will be there to pay charity on your behalf.

Donate as you like

Click the currency in which you wish to donate and enter the desired amount. This will be considered as general donation to Al-Asr Projects & Causes.

Offline Donation

Some of our donors who prefer to donate offline by bank transfer or cheque, They can do so as we have mentioned the details below for their convenience. We thank you for your kind support in advance.  There are three ways to make further donations:

What our students say about us?

Since 1993 the SVC has been held annually and thousands of youth have participated from United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, France, Sweden, Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Not only do the youth learn about Islam, they both feel it and they live it. Many hearts are humbled at the tombs of the Imams (as), many are moved at the shrine of Hazrat Masuma (sa), many a tear falls at the cemetery of martyrs in Tehran (Beheshte Zahra).

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